/* Death to the List: April 2007

Friday, April 27, 2007

No. 34 - I Got What You Need

After many friends have harped on me about putting my work out there I finally opened up a shop for the cards and other crafty items that I'm always making. It's not exactly what I want, but I think it's a good start for things to come and that it's going to work for me for the time being. So without further ado, click the link and visit my Etsy shop: Say What You Want. I don't have a lot of stock up there right now and need to update it. I actually do have quite a few cards made, I just need to get them uploaded which would probably be helpful. Of course if you're looking for something special or for a custom design drop me a line and let me know. Pass my site along to friends, coworkers, family, whoever. Oh and check out the other Etsy shops they got some pretty neat things out there.

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